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Best Cyber Monday Deals – The Ultimate Guide in 2023

Dive into the world of Cyber Monday like never before! Uncover 8 exclusive facts and hidden tips that will revolutionize your online shopping experience. From early bird strategies to secret discounts, this web story is your key to unlocki
Cyber Monday was coined in 2005 by the National Retail Federation, but its roots trace back to 2004. The term was first used when retailers noticed a surge in online sales the Monday after Thanksgiving
1.The Origin Tale
Contrary to popular belief, Cyber Monday doesn't always have better deals than Black Friday. Some products witness steeper discounts on Black Friday itself.
2. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday:
Cyber Monday is not just an American affair. It has spread globally, with countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia adopting the concept and offering their own set of exclusive deals.
3. Global Phenomenon
Over 50% of Cyber Monday shopping is done on mobile devices. Retailers optimize their websites and apps to cater to the increasing mobile user base.
4. Mobile Mania:
The idea that Cyber Monday is a one-day event is a misnomer. Many retailers extend their Cyber Monday deals throughout the week, turning it into a cyber shopping festival.
5. The Monday Effect
Social media plays a massive role in Cyber Monday deals. Some exclusive promotions are accessible only through platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
6. Social Media Influence:
Retailers strategically fluctuate prices leading up to Cyber Monday, making the deals seem more lucrative. It's essential to monitor prices beforehand to ensure you're getting a real bargain.
7. The Price Game